Rabu, 02 Oktober 2013


The development and progress of human civilization can not be separated from the role of science , and even changes in the pattern of human life from time to time actually goes hand in hand with the progress and development of the history of science . Science is growing very rapidly .
Greek philosophy in the time period is a very important period in the history of human civilization , because this time there is a change in mindset mitosentris be logosentris . Mitosentris mindset is the mindset of the people who rely heavily on myths to explain natural phenomena . But when philosophy was introduced , natural phenomena are not considered a god but akvitas activity occurring kaualitas nature . Of the process is then developed from the philosophy of science , which in the end we enjoy in the form of technology . Therefore the time period of Greek philosophy is the entry point to enter the new civilization of mankind.
Development of science not only in ancient Greece but also thrive in the world of Islam . Since the beginning of its birth Islam has given great appreciation for science . As is already known to the Prophet Muhammad as a Prophet sent by Allah SWT , living in a backward society . Then Islam came to offer torch light that changed the Arab society of ignorance into a knowledgeable and civilized society .
Thus , the development of science increasingly advanced with the advent of the new sciences that ultimately led to the sub – sub anyway the new science of science towards even more specific such specializations . Mathematics and philosophy has a history of engagement with each other since the days of Ancient Greece . Mathematics in addition to a source and inspiration for philosophers , the method is also widely adopted to describe the philosophical thinking . We even know some mathematicians as well as philosophers alone , such as Descartes , Leibniz , Bolzano , Dedekind , Frege , Brouwer , Hilbert , G ¨ odel , and Weyl . In the last century, in which logic is the study of the foundations of mathematics as well as the subject of a critical review by both mathematicians and the philosophers .
Jujun S. Suria Sumantri, Filsafat Ilmu, (Sebuah Pengantar Populer), Jakarta, Pustaka Sinar Harapan, 2009
Surajiyo, Filsafat Ilmu dan perkembangannya di Indonesia, Jakarta, Bumi Aksara, 2008
Bakhtiar, Amsal, Filsafat Ilmu, Jakarta, Raja Grafindo, 2010

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